TSA: Traveler tries to sneak four-foot ‘emotional support’ snake through security at Tampa airport

The Transportation Security Administration says that a traveler attempted to bring an "emotional support pet" boa constrictor snake through security. Image is courtesy of the TSA.

Snakes on a plane? Not at Tampa International Airport. Transportation Security Administration agents at Tampa International Airport made a shocking discovery when they found a slithery stowaway trying to get through security. 

According to TSA, a female was traveling through Tampa International Airport with her four-foot emotional support boa constrictor named Bartholomew in a carry-on bag in December.

Agents found the snake inside her bag when it went through an x-ray machine.   

"There’s a danger noodle in that bag… Our officers at Tampa International Airport didn’t find this hyssssssterical! Coiled up in a passenger’s carry-on was a 4’ boa constrictor! We really have no adder-ation for discovering any pet going through an x-ray machine," the TSA said in an Instagram post.

The post continued, "Do you have asp-irations of taking a snake on a plane? Don’t get upsetti spaghetti by not understanding your airline’s rules. For instance, airlines don’t allow nope ropes in carry-on bags and only a few allow them to slither around in checked bags, if packaged correctly."

READ: Florida deputy saves hawk being strangled by snake after bird's would-be meal tried to 'turn the tables'

The spokesperson said that TSA contacted the airline, which said that she couldn't bring the snake aboard the aircraft.

TampaTampa International AirportSnakes