Uber releases its top 10 most ‘forgetful’ cities: Here’s where Tampa ranks

If you’ve ever left anything behind in an Uber vehicle, you’re not alone. Tampa is among the rideshare company’s top ten most ‘forgetful’ cities and what's being left behind may be surprising. 

According to Uber, Tampa is the 8th most forgetful city in the country, with Miami coming in at No. 1 and Austin ranking No. 10. 

While it may not be that unusual to leave behind a sweater or an umbrella, Uber says passengers have forgotten everything from a frontal toupee to a turtle to a paternity test. 

Uber says the most forgetful day of the year is January 21 and the majority of items left behind are red with the lion’s share of people reporting lost items between 9 and 10 p.m.

The top 10 most forgetful cities

  1. Miami
  2. Los Angeles
  3. Atlanta
  4. Houston
  5. Dallas
  6. Orlando
  7. Phoenix
  8. Tampa Bay
  9. Denver
  10. Austin

Ten most commonly forgotten items

  1. Clothing
  2. Luggage
  3. Headphones
  4. Wallet
  5. Jewelry
  6. Phone
  7. Camera
  8. Tablet or book
  9. Laptop
  10. Vape

Top 50 most unusual reported lost items

  1. Frontal hair toupee
  2. Hot sauce and a breathalyzer
  3. I left a leaf in your car that’s much needed
  4. Two containers with spiders in them
  5. A Beyoncé fold up fan
  6. A tray of meat pie
  7. Ceramic cat
  8. Jar of oysters
  9. A personalized blanket with a picture of me and my dog
  10. Small rat skeleton prop
  11. Candle that says ‘See you in court’
  12. A fake tooth / retainer (it’s a really small plastic piece with a fake tooth in it)
  13. Gray tub of surgical implants
  14. Police-grade handcuffs
  15. My live pet animal turtle
  16. Waist beads and a burrito steamer
  17. I left expensive blueberries that are special that I need that the store is completely out of. There’s two packages that I absolutely need.
  18. My girlfriend’s pregnant pills
  19. Small box containing a gnome.
  20. Standup paddleboard paddle
  21. Painting from SeaWorld. It was wrapped up in a roll and I love it.
  22. A playbill from the Spamalot show at the Kennedy Center
  23. My robot
  24. Benihana garlic butter
  25. Contraceptive Plan B from Costco and a BaBylissPRO massager machine
  26. A panic button
  27. A spear and a furry fox tail
  28. Taylor Swift autograph. Framed!!!!
  29. Fart sensor
  30. Bravo Con wristband
  31. A #bestdayever foam sign
  32. 3 feathers
  33. Fake butt
  34. Poster of Hillary Clinton
  35. Panty liner and 1000 bucks. That’s all I can remember
  36. Some lotion or my thong
  37. Meditation crystals
  38. Undergarments, bread, pack of ham and mayo
  39. Cardboard cut out panda
  40. Street sign saying ‘She’s drunk’ and a picture frame
  41. My father’s beard softener
  42. Big sentimental carrying jug
  43. Paternity test
  44. WWE championship belt
  45. Harry Potter wand engraved with name ‘Alexander’
  46. Large sticker with a dancing cartoon cat that says ‘Spanky Fest’ on it
  47. I might have left my garden fence in the trunk.
  48. Jeep Liberty engine. Please call me
  49. I lost my wizard woman
  50. Three Japanese ceramic decorative cats – one gold, one black and one pink. All fist-sized.

Top 20 reported forgotten food items

  1. Leftovers from Pizzeria Portofino. Soooo expensive.
  2. A whole smoked pork belly
  3. Cooler with meat
  4. I left the ice cream cones in your car and was worried about it melting and making a mess
  5. A nice cheese. Feel free to keep!
  6. A pan of chicken spaghetti
  7. Bucket of cookies
  8. Benihana garlic butter
  9. Mason jar with cilantro
  10. Church cookies in the trunk
  11. Green lettuce in a jar in your car
  12. Fly [expletive] burrito
  13. Side of salmon
  14. Tomatoes (Don’t need ‘em back, just a heads up so they don’t cook in your car!)
  15. A tray of meat pie
  16. I left my pizza in your car! I can’t believe I left it!
  17. Bowl of meat is in your car! And i need it
  18. I left some pasta in the back by accident. Feel free to have it! It was so yummy and I didn’t eat out of the plate. Thanks again!
  19. Jar of oysters
  20. Small container of valuable honey

Peak days to lose specific items

  • People are most likely to forget luggage on Mondays.
  • People are most likely to forget headphones on Tuesdays.
  • People are most likely to forget wallets on Wednesdays.
  • People are most likely to forget jewelry on Thursdays.
  • People are most likely to forget phones on Fridays.
  • People are most likely to forget vapes on Saturdays.
  • People are most likely to forget clothing on Sundays.

Uber says its also noticing a trend of more people leaving behind their crystals, keys to Mini-Coopers, wifi hotspots and mobile routers and skateboards.  

If you left something behind in an Uber, click here to learn how to get your lost items back. 

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