University of Tampa rebranding from UT to UTampa for national awareness

The University of Tampa will be dropping its shorthand nickname of ‘UT,’ opting for ‘UTampa’ instead to stand out from other schools with similar initials. 

According to UTampa President Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg, the university's priority is to increase its reputation and make the school a household name both nationally and internationally. 

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"There are numerous other UTs in the higher education space, including the universities of Texas, Tennessee, Toledo, Toronto and Tulsa," Dahlberg said. "Since its founding, the University has been closely linked to the city of Tampa, and by calling ourselves UTampa, we can strengthen that association, eliminate confusion and assert our pride in our University and our city."

Dahlberg added that one of the university's primary draws is being located in downtown Tampa, which is becoming a ‘world-class destination.’ 


The university also introduced three new logos.