Veterans get help resolving legal troubles in Hillsborough Co.

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The Hillsborough County court system is helping some Bay Area veterans get back on their feet.

On Friday, homeless and low income veterans had a chance to address minor legal issues in front of a Hillsborough County judge.

Organizers say small violations like fines and fees often start to compound for veterans who are unable to pay, sometimes resulting in the loss of a driver's license or the ability to qualify for homeless programs.

More than 60 veterans had their cases resolved by either waiving minor fees or setting up payment plans, paving the way for many of them to get out of debt and get back their driver’s licenses.

"They have it broken down so that I can pay it with ease and feel good again about just, you know, being able to be mobile," Navy veteran James Broner told FOX 13 News.

"I know the sacrifice that they've made for our country and this is an opportunity for us to help the vets, not give them a hand out, but it's a hand up," Hillsborough County Judge and and Army veteran Daryl Manning said.

Hillsborough County judges and organizers said they hope to make this an annual event at the VA.
