WestShore Plaza reopens for business Friday, May 8

The WestShore Plaza will be back open for business Friday morning.

The mall will reopen at 11 a.m. The mall has been closed since March 24. 

However, if people want to visit a specific store, they are asked to call first. According to WestShore Plaza, individual stores have their own timeline for reopening. 

They recommend people wear masks, but they are not required. Other guidelines they are asking for customers to follow are:
- Practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people.
- Covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover is recommended.
- Do not gather in groups.
- Adhere to each individual tenant’s COVID-19 policies.
- Adhere to all federal, state and local regulations, recommendations and mandates regarding COVID-19.

Hand sanitizer dispensers will be located in "highly-trafficked areas and walkways." 

The mall will off free lunches up  to $10 in the food court for paramedics, first responders or teachers. 

Earlier this week, the International Plaza and University Town Center reopened.

Westfield malls throughout the Bay Area are scheduled to reopen May 15.

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