Wharton High teen awarded for life-saving actions

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Tampa student awarded for saving a life

Josh Cascio reports

Wharton High School senior Daevon Crouch will be suiting up at linebacker for the Boston College Eagles next year, but that's not what earned him a round of applause and picture with Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister this week. That was for a play he made off the field.

Back in August, a student collapsed while walking on campus, he was unresponsive and breathing irregularly. Daveon was the first to respond. 

"I felt like if I didn't do it, nobody else would and he probably wouldn’t be here today," Crouch said.

He was able to get the attention of staff who would use an AED shock to the student's chest, then several minutes worth of CPR until medics arrived. 

"It would be sad to tell you the number of people that did walk by but Daveon was the one who stopped," said Deputy William Mellana. "Without Daveon, we might have been delayed in reacting to the kid and who knows where we'd be right now," he added. 

"It actually hit me later on the next day because I didn’t know what to do but there were students that kept walking and I took my effort and put myself before others to make sure he was ok," Crouch said. 

For his quick thinking, Daveon was given a citizen's award. Deputy Mellana received a lifesaving award. For the rest of us, the takeaway is to look out for others.

"Looking out for others and making sure that somebody's good besides yourself is what brings community together, so it is like I can depend on this person or that person.  It is all trust and that's what a lot of people need," Crouch said.