What's Right with Tampa Bay: Operation Military Matters

Two young girls started a supply drive to send care packages to troops overseas.

They call the endeavor Operation Military Matters. They started collecting supplies in 2015 when they were in the fourth grade.

After hearing and seeing veterans speak at a school Veterans Day assembly, they felt the need to support the military and let the men and women sacrificing their know that people back home care about them. Their teacher assigned a school project that day and they decided this was what they would do.

Both of the girls have family members who served in the military. The items they send them include: soap, shampoo, hard candy, toiletries, snacks, games, socks, handwritten cards, and other items. Volunteers help them pack all the boxes and ship them overseas. 

The girls have a GoFundMe page for anyone who wants to donate. They can also be found on Facebook and Instagram