Manatee County World War II veteran turns 105, honored with his own day

Decorated World War II Veteran John Skeen turned 105 years old Tuesday.  

He was even honored by the Manatee County Commission with his own day; October 3rd is officially John Skeen Day. 

In 1941, Skeen was drafted into the Army at 21.  Soon, he'd find himself in combat in Europe leading the 70TH Infantry rifle platoon.  

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He'd mature quickly surrounded by gunfire and bomb-blasts.  

"You’re the leader, you’re out front, [and] you got to keep your platoon moving regardless of how hot and heavy the artillery is," Skeen said.  "You’re not thinking about the overall picture [of] saving the world and democracy; that's the furthest thing from your mind. All you're thinking about is staying alive." 

His service would earn him the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.  He says he doesn't take freedom for granted, having helped to liberate towns from German occupation.  

"You have to lose your freedom to see what it's like," he said. "You see French towns we liberated who were under Nazi rule; we'd liberate the town, [and] they'd go wild."

Today, Skeen keeps many of his war memories on his shelves and his wall.  He credits his longevity in part to his daily active lifestyle.  He's a walking history lesson - someone younger generations can learn from.

"It is so tragic when I think about them not being interested in the past and what the past did for them," he said. 

The life of John Skeen is a good place to start.  

Manatee County