Plant High hosts Coach Weiner's 'All In Football Camp'

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Plant High School football coach Robert Weiner’s All In Football Camp is all-inclusive. It’s a football theme with a comprehensive message that covers the true value of the sport. 

“This might be, for some of them, their first indication of being a team,” said Coach Weiner. “As we talked about this morning, the most important thing with a team is how you take care of each other.” 

Many of Weiner’s football players are former campers turned councilors. They’re passing on what they learned on this field. 

“Reminisce and getting a little Déjà vu out there, seeing myself in their shoes, loving it,” said Panthers wide-receiver, Baldwin Barnes. “I just remember how big of an impact the coaches had on me when I was at that age. I try to give them the same thing I was given.” 

The All In Camp has hosted nearly 250 players during its two camps this summer; a strong turnout with campers improving as players and people. 

“He wants us to be good people and nice,” said 12-year-old camper D’Marion Epps. “He wants us to compete. That’s the whole point of this camp.” 

All in is also all in one family. Coach Weiner’s nephew, Ben is here from California to hang out with his popular uncle. 

“He’s kind of weird,” said Ben Weiner. “He’s actually pretty nice.” 

The concussion scare had turned some parents away from allowing their kids to play tackle football, but the camp is still expecting 108 kids for their second camp this summer. Coach Weiner thinks emphasis on making the game safer is bringing the kids back to football. 

“As the game continues to get safer, more people will continue to opt for wanting their kids to participate in something that makes them a good citizen,” said Weiner. “That keeps them off the street. That makes them care about other people first. That makes them understand the sacrifices that it takes to be good at something. That makes them understand hard work. That makes them understand what it means to be on time.” 

Coach Weiner wants his campers to have fun, get better and come away with an understanding of what

Plant Football is all about because many of the kids will be the next generation of Plant High Panthers.