U.S. military weighs penalties for service members who refuse COVID vaccine

As deadlines loom for military and defense civilians to get mandated COVID-19 vaccines, senior leaders are wrestling with the fate of tens of thousands who flatly refuse the shots or are seeking exemptions, and how to make sure they are treated fairly and equally. It could be a career-ending decision, or could trigger transfers, travel restrictions and requirements to repay bonuses.

Canadian snowbirds primed to flock south to Florida as US opens border

Last year, the US-Canada border was closed for nonessential travel, meaning millions of Canadians were unable to drive south for the winter to their seasonal homes in Florida and other warmer areas. But starting next week, the border will be reopened -- and many snowbirds will be flocking this way once more.

DeSantis calls for special legislative session to ban vaccine mandates in Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis took aim at President Biden's vaccine mandate, calling for a special legislative session to ban any such requirements in Florida by "strengthening" state laws: "We need to take action to protect Florida jobs," DeSantis said. "Your right to earn a living should not be contingent upon COVID shots."