FOX 13 teams up with Metropolitan Ministries for $13 for 13

FOX 13 is teaming up with Metropolitan Ministries once again for the $13 for 13 campaign. From Giving Tuesday, Nov. 29, through Dec. 18, a $13 online donation will be matched to help provide food and toys for families in need.

March of Dimes helps parents advocate for their babies

The March of Dimes wants to give every baby a fighting chance. The information that one family learned from March of Dimes helped save their baby's life and their story is what's right with Tampa Bay.

Breast cancer survivor pays it forward by making strides

Kate Daley loves her trips to Key West. Not only is it a favorite travel spot for her, it's also a place where the breast cancer survivor gives back to the American Cancer Society. She has her own Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk to raise donations to fund research and programs that help patients.