Funds for hotel stays offered to displaced Irma victims

Many who survived Hurricane Irma cannot say the same for their homes.

For those unable to return home for extended period of time, FEMA has set up a program to help pay for short-term hotel stays.

FEMA says interested individuals must register for assistance. Payment will be made directly to participating hotels or motels.

The program is only available for those whose residence is uninhabitable or inaccessible in counties FEMA has declared a disaster area.

LINK: FEMA disaster assistance resources available after Irma

To be eligible for assistance, survivors must:

-Register with FEMA for assistance
-Have a pre-disaster primary residence in the area designated for TSA
-Be displaced from their pre-disaster residence due to the disaster
-Remain in transitional, congregate, or other shelters
-Be unable to obtain lodging through another source (e.g., the American Red Cross or other voluntary agencies)

LINK: FEMA: How it works and how to reach them

The program offers:

-One room for a household of four or fewer members
-A household of five or more will be authorized additional rooms, based on a limit of four per room

The initial period of assistance will be a minimum of 14 days from the date of assistance implementation.

To find out if you qualify and find help in your area, visit

For a list of hotels participating the program, visit