Recipe: Seafood, Sauce & Salad

We're making a restaurant recipe for seafood, sauce and a salad- sounds simple, but looks amazing! This recipe comes from the menu at The Pearl and was shared by Executive Chef Olivia Giesler. 

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Gulf Snapper with Orange Yogurt Sauce, Tarragon Pesto, and Farro and Carrot Salad


  • 8 oz snapper fillet
  • salt, to season
  • white pepper, to season
  • oil, for searing
  • 1 tbsp butter, unsalted
  • 1 pinch minced parsley
  • 1 lemon wedge, for basting
  • 4 oz warm Farro and Carrot Salad (see recipe below)
  • 1 tbsp Lemon Vinaigrette (see recipe below)
  • 2 oz Orange Yogurt Sauce (see recipe below)
  • 1 tbsp Pistachio and Tarragon Pesto (see recipe below)
  • additional parsley sprigs, for garnish


  1. Preheat non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Season snapper fillet with salt and white pepper.
  3. Add oil to preheated skillet and once hot, carefully place snapper in pan, skin side down. Sear until golden brown.
  4. Flip snapper and continue to cook on other side. Baste with juice from lemon wedge, and top with butter and minced parsley.
  5. Meanwhile, in separate pan, reheat Farro and Carrot Salad. Dress with Lemon Vinaigrette and season with salt and additional parsley.
  6. On serving plate, spoon Orange Yogurt Sauce in center.
  7. Drizzle Pistachio and Tarragon Pesto around Orange Yogurt Sauce, creating decorative pattern.
  8. Place warmed Farro and Carrot Salad onto Orange Yogurt Sauce in center of plate.
  9. Carefully lay seared snapper on top of Farro salad.
  10. Garnish dish by adding more Farro salad if desired, and top with parsley sprigs.

Chili Glazed Carrots


  • 1 lb rainbow carrots, oblique cut
  • 2 tsp yellow chili paste
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
  • 3 cups water, divided
  • 1 tbsp kosher salt
  • 3 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar


  1. In sauté pan, combine oblique-cut carrots, yellow chili paste, fresh lemon juice, kosher salt, unsalted butter, granulated sugar, and 1 ½ cups of water.
  2. Place pan over medium heat and let simmer. As liquid reduces, carrots will begin to tenderize and cook.
  3. As mixture cooks, keep an eye on water level. If it reduces too much before carrots are tender, add more of remaining water as needed.
  4. Continue simmering until carrots become tender and liquid in pan reduces to thick, glaze-like consistency.
  5. Taste and adjust seasoning of glaze if necessary.
  6. Once done, remove pan from heat. Spread glazed carrots on sheet tray to cool.
  7. After cooling, reserve carrots for use in farro salad (see below) or as stand-alone side dish.

Farro and Carrot Salad


  • 4 cups cooked farro
  • 2 cups chili glazed carrots (from recipe above)
  • 2 cups cooked garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  • 1 cup caramelized onions
  • salt, to taste


  1. In large mixing bowl, combine cooked farro, chili glazed carrots, cooked garbanzo beans, and caramelized onions.
  2. Gently toss all ingredients together until well mixed.
  3. Season salad with salt to taste.
  4. Once seasoned, reserve salad or serve immediately.

Orange Yogurt Sauce


  • 3 cups orange juice
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 1 ½ cups yogurt
  • salt (kosher), to taste
  • 1 ½ tsp cumin


  1. In saucepan over medium heat, combine  orange juice and lemon juice. Bring mixture to gentle simmer and reduce by half, which will intensify flavor.
  2. Once reduced, remove saucepan from heat and allow to cool to room temperature.
  3. In mixing bowl, combine cooled juice reduction with honey, yogurt, and cumin. Stir well to merge flavors.
  4. Taste sauce and season with kosher salt as needed, adjusting to preference.
  5. Reserve sauce for use, or serve immediately.

Pistachio and Tarragon Pesto


  • 1 cup fresh tarragon, chopped
  • ½ cup pistachios, toasted and chopped
  • 1 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp fresh ground black pepper
  • zest of 3 oranges
  • zest of 3 lemons
  • kosher salt, to taste


  1. In mixing bowl, combine chopped fresh tarragon and toasted, chopped pistachios.
  2. Add extra virgin olive oil to bowl and stir to combine with herbs and nuts.
  3. Incorporate fresh ground black pepper, along with zest of oranges and lemons.
  4. Mix all ingredients until well combined.
  5. Taste pesto and season with kosher salt as needed. Adjust seasoning to achieve desired flavor balance.

Lemon Vinaigrette


  • 1 cup white balsamic vinegar
  • 1 cup fresh lemon juice


In bowl, whisk together white balsamic vinegar and fresh lemon juice until well combined.

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