Dover organization re-purposes bikes for people in need

It may be a dusty old bike that has been sitting in your garage for years, but for a kid at Christmas, it could be the best present ever.

Bikes for Christ is collecting slightly used bikes and money to fix them up.

Fred Humphries just gave the group three bikes. “What great way to re-purpose these bikes, they’re sitting there unused,” he said. “You can put them in a garage sale for 10 or 20 bucks. To give it to a kid who needs it, absolutely invaluable.”

Last year, Bikes for Christ gave away about 180 bikes. So far this year, it has given 270 to kids and adults alike.

Pat Simmons, founder of Bikes for Christ, said, “Definitely want to break the 300 threshold, I would love to go even further.”

Simmons said reaching the goal depends on the goodness of others. Cash donations are down this year, but it is unclear why.

Despite that, along with helping people locally, the organization just went international by delivering bikes to Haiti and Guatemala.

“Even though I don’t speak Spanish, and there’s a language barrier, the smiles say everything,” Simmons explained.

LINK: If you would like to help, go to