Lyft to offer reduced ride fare to Election Day polls, free for those in underserved communities
WASHINGTON - Rideshare company Lyft announced on Thursday they would offer reduced ride fare to the polls for midterm elections.
Lyft made the announcement over Twitter, citing that "over 15 million people were registered but didn’t vote in 2016 because of transportation issues."
"The Ride to Vote" will be available on Election Day, November 6, with Lyft offering half off for rides to voter polling places across the country and free rides will be provided in underserved communities.
Lyft says it is working with voter organizations, Nonprofit Vote, and TurboVote to help distribute the 50 percent off codes to those who need them.
The company says it will also be working with Voto Latino, local Urban League affiliates, and the National Federation of the Blind to help voters in underserved communities get to the polls.
Lyft says in the months ahead of Election Day, the service will be working with organizations to help citizens register to vote and remind Lyft customers about what they need to do to register to vote in their state.
In DC, registration ends 21 days before Election Day, but voters can register the day of at early voting or on Election Day.
The deadline to register to vote, or update an existing registration, in Virginia is Monday, October 15, 2018.
The deadline to register to vote in Maryland is October 16, 2018, or you can register at an early voting polling site (October 25, 2018-November 1).