WATCH: Baby's adorable reaction to doll of deployed daddy

A baby boy who was missing his deployed daddy had an adorable reaction to a doll with his father's likeness on it. 

Deanna Briscoe posted video of her baby Nathan's reaction on social media. "Nathan got his Daddy Doll today. He loves it!" she wrote. 

"Bubba, where's your daddy?" she is heard on video saying and when he sees the doll, the baby starts excitedly laughing and kicking and trying to hug and kiss the doll. "Awww! Daddy!" she says. 

The doll has the likeness of Nathan's daddy, Chase, on it. He's currently deployed overseas with the Army. 

Briscoe says she can't believe her baby's sweet little video went viral. "We’re so overwhelmed with the love we’ve received and we just hope that all the military families out there get to be reunited with their loved ones soon," she said. 
