More manatees were killed by Florida boaters in 2019 than ever before

The manatee exhibit is a popular one at ZooTampa at Lowry Park. As a patient observer, it's common to see young children exclaiming with joy and sprinting toward the observatory windows with their parents being pulled along in tow. When visitors peer through the glass, they're greeted by the whiskered faces and beady eyes of the "cows of the sea" -- a staple of Florida's waterways.

TECO's Manatee Viewing Center reopens for season

Tampa Electric’s Manatee Viewing Center is a popular spot for a variety of marine life, but especially manatees. Once temperatures start to drop, they look for warmer waters.

Injured manatee gone from Treasure Island canal

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission called off its mission to monitor an injured manatee that became trapped in a canal after the manatee disappeared overnight.