Herd of mating manatees spotted in waters off Indian Rocks Beach
These manatees were just looking for love this weekend.
Injured, pregnant manatee rescued on Mother's Day weekend gives birth to healthy calf
A pregnant manatee, injured by boat propellers, was rescued over Mother's Day weekend and has just given birth to a calf.
Hammerhead shark and manatees among wildlife spotted swimming off Pinellas coast
See Through Canoe captured video of a variety of animals swimming just offshore, including a hammerhead shark and manatees.
Bay Area boat captain says he wasn't harassing manatees in drone video; FWC investigating
Drone video captured a boater harassing manatees in Pinellas County, but the man says the video doesn't tell the whole story.
TECO Manatee Viewing Center celebrates incredible milestone
Tampa Electric’s award-winning Manatee Viewing Center will welcome its 6 millionth visitor this weekend.
In 2019, manatee deaths in Florida dropped to 606
Fewer manatees died in 2019 in Florida compared with the year before.
These Florida manatees love their lettuce
Two orphaned – and growing – manatees at an Ohio zoo have hefty appetites.
More manatees were killed by Florida boaters in 2019 than ever before
The manatee exhibit is a popular one at ZooTampa at Lowry Park. As a patient observer, it's common to see young children exclaiming with joy and sprinting toward the observatory windows with their parents being pulled along in tow. When visitors peer through the glass, they're greeted by the whiskered faces and beady eyes of the "cows of the sea" -- a staple of Florida's waterways.
Boaters in Florida killed record number of manatees in 2019
Florida boaters broke a record this year, killing more manatees in 2019 than in past years, according to wildlife officials.
Manatee with bicycle tire stuck around body at Blue Spring State Park remains uncaptured, officials say
Sealife rescue groups are attempting to trap the manatee so the tire can be safely removed.
Navy personnel rescue manatee stranded on north Florida beach
Navy personnel came to the rescue of a beached manatee in Jacksonville on Thursday.
TECO's Manatee Viewing Center reopens for season
Tampa Electric’s Manatee Viewing Center is a popular spot for a variety of marine life, but especially manatees. Once temperatures start to drop, they look for warmer waters.
Manatee Awareness Month: Look out for Florida's favorite sea cows, they are on the move
Those gentle giants that gracefully glide through Florida’s waterways have a whole month dedicated to bringing awareness to their species.
Crews use bulldozer to free large manatee trapped in Georgia sand
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources says the 10-foot manatee was navigating a manmade shortcut between rivers when she became stranded at low tide.
Injured manatee gone from Treasure Island canal
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission called off its mission to monitor an injured manatee that became trapped in a canal after the manatee disappeared overnight.
FWC monitoring injured manatee in Treasure Island waterway
Heartbreaking video taken Sunday showed a manatee in distress with a large laceration on its back in the Intracoastal waterway near Treasure Island.
Orphaned manatee will be bottle fed every 3 hours to put on weight at SeaWorld
A baby manatee -– barely a month old – was orphaned, and now has a new home at SeaWorld Orlando.
Manatee comes ashore to feast on grass in Port St. Lucie
A manatee came ashore to feed on the grass in Port St Lucie, Florida, on July 9, as seen in video recorded by Dan Scovern.
Fourth of July boaters, look out below for manatees
The Fourth of July holiday is a day when boaters will crowd Florida’s Gulf coast, meaning it’s even more important to keep an eye out for manatees.
Manatee rescued from muddy, shallow water in St. Augustine
Rescuers were able to free a manatee that had gotten itself stuck in mud in St. Augustine on Wednesday.