Irma information: Manatee County

Ongoing updates for Manatee County residents as Hurricane Irma impacts Florida.

You can get information directly from the Manatee County EOC at:



The City of Bradenton debris management and contractors are being deployed on Wednesday, September 13, to begin storm debris cleanup. Debris pick-up is expected to begin next week.

While preparing debris for pick up, citizens are asked not to mix vegetation debris with construction material debris. Please make separate piles for pick up.

Conventional, non-storm related garbage and trash must be kept separate for regular COB Solid Waste pickup. Co-mingled or mixed debris (building material and vegetation, trees, limbs, etc.) or storm debris mixed with regular garbage will not be picked up by the debris contractor.

The storm debris contractor will make two passes through the City to ensure that those missed on the first pass can have debris picked up later in the process.

Citizens are asked to pile yard debris in the right-of-way area and not in the street travel way. Please note: Our contractor will not enter into private property to pick up debris.

The exact storm debris pick up schedule for those in the City of Bradenton will be shared when finalized.


The Sunshine Skyway Bridge is now open.

Tolls on all Florida roadways are suspended as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, September 5.


Manatee County schools will reopen on Monday, September 18.


No other closings to report.


You can get information directly from the Manatee County EOC at:

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