Many workers want to continue teleworking post-pandemic

Lindsay Rosegger works for the American Lung Association. All their employees have been working remotely since last March, but she also gave birth to a little girl named Nova in January of 2020.

"I always joke and say that I kind of never went off of maternity leave," she said, adding that the situation can be challenging. "It's very tiring, but I really wouldn’t change a thing and I feel really, really lucky to spend so much time with her."

The added family time, along with the elimination of a daily commute from St. Pete to Tampa, has Lindsay wondering about the future. Joining millions of employees asking: Do I have to go back to the office?

"For me personally, I would love to keep teleworking," she explained. 

Career coach Lisa Jacobson says many employees have a certain amount of power right now.

"Employees who have established themselves as competent and responsible, they have negotiating chips now," she said.

Mainly because this whole "work-from-home thing" is really working for much of the corporate world, Jacobsen added.

"Talk to people in the workplace and they will say the COVID-19 experience and working from home, their business didn’t skip a beat."

She says to start off on the right foot when negotiating a permanent remote position by telling an employee how much you love your job and that you want to stay for years to come. Also, understand there may be some give and take.

"If you are 100% remote and this works great for you, it might mean compensation packages might be different," Lisa says. 

Lisa also suggests asking for a partial-remote schedule, if it fits your needs. In today's climate, she feels most employers will accommodate.

"Happy employees are more engaged. A more engaged employee produces a better product and that has a ripple effect to customers," she says. 

Lindsay says the work-from-home lifestyle works for her and she wants to keep it going.

"I think it allows me to be a little more flexible with when I want to get certain things done," she says. 

Lindsay says the American Lung Association, is currently deciding on whether or not to bring employees back in-person, and they aren't alone.

Lisa says 80% of executives in 2021 say they are seriously considering allowing people to work remotely.

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