Miracle field in need of facelift

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It is a place that has improved the lives of hundreds of children battling some severe disabilities.

The Miracle League of Gulf Beaches is a baseball team for disabled children in West St. Petersburg.  George Stone, general manager says the field they play on is falling apart.

Before each game Stone says he has to stomp the individual padded tiles down before the children take the field. 

The team wants to replace the soft tiles, with a single carpet so the tiles won’t catch wheelchairs and the disabled children won’t trip. The cost will be around $150.000.

“I had a kid who never talked before, now tells jokes, sings songs and plays ball in center field,” Stone said.  “So what it does for these children is amazing!”

A  Go Fund Me account has been set up at, https://www.gofundme.com/http-kiwanisgulf
