Texas girl asks Santa for food, blanket in Christmas letter

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A young girl from Texas made a simple request from Santa. All she wants for Christmas is a blanket.

A first grade teacher in Edinburg, Texas taught a lesson about wants and needs. After asking her students to write a letter to Santa, Crystal Pacheco’s request caught her attention.

Her letter read, “I have been good this day. This Christmas I would like a ball and food. I need a blanket.”

“I did not expect her to say, ‘I need food. I want food but I need a blanket more,’” said her teacher, Ruth Espiricueta.  

Espiricueta asked why she needed a blanket more than food, and Crystal said, “Well, I get to eat at school. Sometimes, I may not have at home, but I get to eat at school.”

She says she has a blanket, but it’s “not warm enough.”

After her teacher posted Crystal’s letter on social media, it quickly gained attention. Since then, hundreds of donations have come into the school, giving her everything she asked for, including a warm blanket.
