Tree planted by George Washington 227 years ago toppled at Mount Vernon

(FOX NEWS) -- A tree at George Washington’s Mount Vernon – said to be planted by the first president himself – was knocked down Friday by the powerful nor'easter that struck the U.S.

“Today at Mount Vernon, strong winds brought down a 227-year-old Canadian Hemlock, as well as a Virginia Cedar that stood watch over Washington’s tomb for many years,” the historical landmark posted on Facebook.

Mount Vernon was the location of George Washington’s plantation along the Potomac River in Fairfax County, Virginia.

The tree was planted by Washington in 1791, according to the estate’s director of horticulture. It was the site’s “best-documented tree on the property arriving in a half whiskey barrel” from New York's then-governor, George Clinton.

Mount Vernon’s senior vice president of visitor engagement, Rob Shenk, tweeted that while “The DC area lost a lot of #trees yesterday” there were “maybe none more significant than this 1791 Canadian Hemlock.” Shenk said “George Washington himself likely knew” of the tree.

Powerful winds ripped through the region on Friday as wind gusts up to 70 mph toppled trees, street lights and power lines, knocking out power to thousands in the DC area and causing multiple deaths in the Northeast.

